8 Types of Yakuzen

Type F



A low circulation of「KI」results in your「KI」stagnating. It is believed that「KI」is a source of energy that is not only the “Energy of life”, but is also responsible for controlling the mind and controlling your whole body. If your「KI」is stagnant you can have mental instability and the symptoms below can occur; easily irritated, short-tempered, prone to anxiety disorders, prone to insomnia, the stomach is upset easily, prone to panic attacks. This type is often seen in people who have a strong sense of responsibility, are mentally delicate, tend to overthink things, have a hard time dealing with stress, often deal with problems by themselves, and are perfectionists.

Meal point

Consuming foods (ingredients) that improve the circulation of「KI」and help normalize the function of the liver.
Examples: Wheat, Lotus seed, Chives, Onion, Aloe vera, Chrysanthemum, Star Anise, Watercress, Water Parsley, Celery, Tomato, Shepherd’s purse, Bell Pepper, Jellyfish, Tuna, Salmon, Hawberry (Hawthorn), Longan, Kumquat, Grapefruit, Mikan (Japanese Orange), Yuzu.